Waverley Cottage, Old Gloucester Road, Hambrook, Bristol

1.7 Hectares (4.20 Acres)

The land at Waverley Cottage extends to approximately 1.7 hectares (4.20 acres). An existing detached house and commercial outbuildings are on site. The land is bordered by the elevated railway line to the north, with access off Old Gloucester Road to the east. The majority of the Site is laid to lawn and pasture grass. The land borders the Harry Stoke development to the south and west.

The land lies on the north side of Bristol, off Old Gloucester Road, in the Hambrook area of the City. Bristol is the largest and most vibrant multi-cultural city in the West of England with a population in excess of 500,000.
Bristol has two universities – with Bristol University being a renowned Russell Group University; a Cathedral, two national railway stations, many public schools, extensive shopping facilities at The Mall (Cribbs Causeway) and Cabot Circus (Broadmead), international airport and numerous business parks.

The land at Waverley Cottage extends to approximately 1.7 hectares (4.20 acres). An existing detached house and commercial outbuildings are on site.
The land is bordered by the elevated railway line to the north, with access off Old Gloucester Road to the east. The majority of the Site is laid to lawn and pasture grass. The land borders the Harry Stoke development to the south and west.


The Site is currently allocated within the South Gloucestershire Local Plan as part of the East of Harry Stoke New Neighbourhood Development Area. An outline planning application is currently being considered by the LPA. The application, reference number P20/17979/O is for residential development for up to 80 dwellings.

Method of Sale

The freehold of the Land and Property is offered for sale on a subject to planning basis. The sums allowed for the affordable housing element should also be clearly outlined. Payment profile and demonstration of funds and the capability to complete the purchase will need to be provided. Waverley Developments South West Limited will be seeking offers subject to outline planning permission being granted only.


DISCLAIMER CJH Land Ltd for themselves and for the vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that:
1. Sales particulars and plans have been carefully prepared and are believed to be correct. Intending purchasers should be deemed to have inspected
the property and to have satisfied themselves that it is correctly described in the particulars and plans.
2. No person in the employment of CJH Land Ltd has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
214641. 04/21.

BS10 7TG
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Chris Glover – CJH Land Limited
[email protected]
Tel: 01275 463588
Mob: 07836 632849

Simon Parks – CJH Land Affordable Limited
[email protected]
Tel: 01275 46358
Mob: 07919 013597