Matford Home Farm, Matford, Exeter

7.5 Hectares (18.5 Acres)

For Sale, Residential Development Opportunity on 7.5 Hectares (18.5 acres) of green field land on the south west edge of Exeter with a resolution to grant an outline planning permission for 250 residential units & 1280 sq m of commercial floorspace.

The site is located on the southern edge of Exeter within the Parish of Exminster. Exeter City is recognized as the regional centre of Devon with a population of approximately 130,000. Exeter is well served by travel communications with the M5 motorway running north to south on the eastern edge of the city and Exeter St David’s providing a main line railway service. Exeter International Airport is located a 10 minute drive from junction 29 of the M5. The University of Exeter is a member of the renowned Russell Group of research intensive universities and is home to over 26,000 students.

The site (identified in Red on the opposite page) extends to approximately 7.5 hectares (18.5 acres) and is mainly used for arable farming with a ‘yard area’ on the northern boundary which currently houses a butchers, cafe and farm shop. The property forms part of the ‘South West Exeter Urban Extension’ which is allocated to provide 2000 units within the Teignbridge Local Plan 2013-2033. The land lies to the south of the A379 and to the west of Old Matford Lane. The site slopes from south to north and enjoys far reaching views across the City.

Teignbridge District Council resolved to grant an outline planning permission no.15/00921/MAJ subject to the imminent signing of the section 106 for the development of up to 250 residential properties and 1280 sq m of commercial floorspace. 23% of the residential units shall be affordable (70% affordable rent and 30% intermediate). 5% of the plots shall be self build.


The access into the site from the A379 is to be constructed to the boundary of the site by Devon County Council. The cost of which shall be shared with the adjoining development and repaid by way of a ‘roof tax’.


The change of use of the adjoining land to the south for the provision of the SANGS required for the development is sought under application number no 15/02178/MAJ, which is expected to be granted in the near future. This land is in the same ownership as the rest of the site. It is to be transferred to Teignbridge District Council who will deliver it. The purchaser of the site will be obligated to provide access to the SANGS and construct an 18 space car park.

Affordable Housing

It is part of CJH Land Ltd’s instruction to oversee the delivery of the affordable housing. On that basis please do not approach any of the RP’s. Sarah Griffin Affordable Housing Director at CJH Land will be providing all of these necessary details in due course. If you have any queries regarding this aspect of the development please do not hesitate to contact Sarah at [email protected]

Further information

Further planning and technical information is provided via file sharing link and is available upon request.


A utilities summary is provided within the technical information. It should be noted that a medium pressure gas main runs underground inside the eastern boundary of the site.

Method of Sale

The freehold of the property is offered for sale on an unconditional basis. All proposals for the purchase of the land shall be submitted to CJH Land in writing or by email.


The site can be seen from Old Matford Lane.
If you require an onsite viewing please contact Matthew Hiles at CJH Land to make an appointment.


Matford Home Farm, Matford, Exeter
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Matthew Hiles – CJH Land Limited
T: 01275 463588
M: 07770 560756
[email protected]