Prime Residential Development Opportunity 3.7 Hectares (9.2 acres) of greenfield land on the edge of Ovingdean with an outline planning permission for 45 residential units situated on the southern edge of the South Downs National Park with views of the English Channel.
The village of Ovingdean is set in an idyllic position between The National Park of the South Downs and The English Channel. Ovingdean is located just to the east of Brighton and lies within Brighton and Hove Borough Council. It has a population of approximately 1200 people.
The name Ovingdean comes from Old English meaning ‘The Valley of the People’. The village was absorbed into the city of Brighton & Hove in 1928.
Whilst there are no primary schools located within Ovingdean itself, there are a number of ‘good’ primary schools within 2 kilometres in the adjoining villages. Secondary education is provided at Longhill High School which is located immediately to the south of the site.
There are a few shops and services within Ovingdean which is all part of the location’s semi rural charm and adds to its peaceful character. However it is less than a mile from Brighton where one will find a full range of shops, services and employment.
Falmer Road runs in a southerly direction on the eastern edge of Ovingdean and connects into the A259 Marine Drive which provides excellent access into Brighton past the Brighton Village Marina.
The site is located on the north eastern edge of Ovingdean and just to the north of Rottingdean. It is fairly regular in shape, grassed and is currently used for grazing horses. It extends to approximately 3.72 hectares (9.2 acres). The site is gently sloping from east to west. To the east is Falmer Road, which runs north/south into Rottingdean. To the north of the site is Ovingdean Road, which will provide the vehicular access into the development. To the west is The Vale which is a private road and to the south are playing fields, which serve Longhill High School.
The site benefits from an outline planning permission (no. BH2016/05530) for the erection of up to 45 residential units of which 18 are to be affordable. This application was granted at appeal no. APP/Q1445/W/17/3177606.
There is a section 106 agreement which is provided within the information pack. All elements within which shall be the responsibility of the purchaser.
We understand that all mains services are in close proximity to the site, however all interested parties are deemed to have made their own enquiries to the relevant service authorities.
Further Information
Further planning and technical information is available via a dropbox link or disc.
Method of Sale
The freehold of this property is offered for sale on an unconditional basis. All proposals for the purchase of the land shall be submitted to CJH Land Ltd in writing or by email.
Affordable Housing
It is part of CJH Land Ltd’s remit to assist with the delivery of the affordable housing provision, Sarah Griffin will be providing all of these necessary details in due course. If you have any queries regarding this aspect of the development please do not hesitate to contact Sarah at [email protected]
DISCLAIMER CJH Land Ltd for themselves and for the vendors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that:
1. Sales particulars and plans have been carefully prepared and are believed to be correct. Intending purchasers should be deemed to have inspected the property and to have satisfied themselves that it is correctly described in the particulars and plans.
2. No person in the employment of CJH Land Ltd has any authority to make or give representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
183185. 07/18.
Matthew Hiles – CJH Land Limited
T: 01275 463588
M: 07770 560756
[email protected]